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Students’ Union


It is the organization through which students practice various activities: athletic, cultural, artistic, social, scouts, public service and student groups. Each of these committees is formed annually and is chaired by a Faculty member, with the membership of two undergraduate students from each class. The members are annually elected via a secret voting process by their colleagues, and a representative of the youth care unit. Each committee elects a student secretary. The student’s union board is chaired by the Dean or deputy dean and the members include:

Chair of the students union’s committees (Faculty member).

Youth care’s general manager.

Heads of the student union’s committees

The student union’s board elects its president from the student members.


Enhancing spiritual, moral values and increasing national awareness among students.

Practicing leadership

Implanting the ideal university spirit among students

Discovering, encouraging and improving students’ talents

Encouraging the formation of student’s groups

Organizing students’ activities and utilizing student’s energy in the service of society.

Regulations of Student Union’s Nomination:

The candidate should hold an Egyptian nationality.

The candidate should enjoy good manners and reputation.

The candidate should have passed all academic courses without failure.

The candidate should pay the students union’s membership fees.

The candidate should give evidence of prominent activities related to the committee to which he applies.

The candidate should be clear of all criminal record or legal penalties, and should show evidence that his membership has never been suspended before.


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