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The center aims to assist the university in performing its research, educational and training mission, in a way that contributes to the development of the society inside and outside the university, through the following:

  1. Preparing and implementing training courses for university and community members in order to raise their productive efficiency and qualify them for the needs of the labor market within the areas of work of the center.
  2. Conducting placement exams for various foreign languages, such as the academic English language test that qualifies for the admission to postgraduate studies (TOEFL) and other courses which allows the center to keep up with international developments.
  3. Providing a proficiency course in Arabic language, as it is a requirement for registration for master’s and doctoral degrees.
  4. Providing scientific and technical advice to raise the efficiency of writing theses in Arabic and other foreign languages and qualifying researchers to read manuscripts and documents written in ancient languages.
  5. Providing the service of accredited and approved translation of official documents and papers from Arabic into various foreign languages and vice versa.
  6. Strengthening cultural and scientific ties with other universities and scientific bodies at the Arab and international levels via holding various seminars, conferences and workshops.

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